the most cursed memes you'll ever see
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: www.epidemicsou... Приколы
“12 days of ISIS” song dropping when? Because the Goons NEED to make that a song!
My guy, i was thinking the same thing.
Dont wanna ruin 69 likes but when is the video going to be dropped
i may of made a full version after seeing this
@@Druggerrnaut wait, really? Lol if you actually pulled through and find 12 ISIS-y related things, you're a legend for that, my guy!
Turtle 🐢
Literally just opened RUclips to find that it was uploaded lol
Lol same hahaha
Bro same
That's how youtube works sometimes...
Same wtf 😂
"Whats the worst thing to find at Daycare?""
Me: "MiniLadd"
ugh... I grew up with the Vanoss crew, I didn't need that reminder...
I didn't get that minecraft joke in the beginning. I did see dream in the pic
@@isaaclupie7078 well Minecraft community is so shit and sensitive especially Dream stans
I never knew that happened, forgot the guy existed. Sad to see another RUclipsr/Streamer be creeps, my childhood has been ruined man
@@rando7317 realy
cuz im a minecraft fan
and played it for a decade now
but this is funny
but yeh some fans u know rude
or just chill or cringe
Cards against humanity content would never get old!
Also. Turtle x20million
I swear this is the only content on YT that makes me laugh for real. Like tears and shortness of breath man keep it up u r making my day hahaha
Soup: "is it gonna offend the mexicans"?
No, it wont. Trust me
Because we dont get offended
It didn’t offend me but it’s funny since I do eat beans almost everyday
Same, i like eating mis frijoles,xD.
for real
Dooo, your laugh has the power to bring an immediate smile to my face. Thank you :)
Sounds like some sort of machine…
Doesn’t Kirby like suck in stuff as his super power?
The Nintendo summary describes him as having “god like power”
Where does it say that
7:12 the change of voice at “puerto rican” caught me off guard
lmfaoooo me being bori that made my sides hurt
This is some of the best content I've ever seen
I cannot describe the sorrow that i am experiencing due to the sound cutting out at 2:45
This video allowed me not to breathe from laughter for a solid 10 minutes.
Same, I was having a hard time trying to live there XD
The last card was legit when you let your friend copy but you tell him to make it a bit different 😂
I was trying to smoke but I literally couldn't I kept laughing so thank you for slightly prolonging lung cancer
That “I just have to eat” one hits really close, because I have a “special” kid in my class determined to eat a frog 😂
I have a new goal
There's a whole land of those special kids who wanna eat frogs that grew up. It's called The South.
The “Male Oxygen” one is basically saying that Ball-Sniffing Garfield’s balls is how men breath and get oxygen
it's "inhale oxygen"
1:52 ah my favorite Christmas carol
You know, many people would hate the fact you only post once a week or less. But I respect the fact that you dont post unless you have good footage instead of posting whatever and not caring. *respect.*
Lmfao the singing bit was so good xD
Every time I watch a Goons video from another perspective, it just does not get old.
Missed opportunity to say allah gave you 2 towers and 3 planes
9 virgins a waiting 10 wives of cleaning
And it was 5 planes.
the 5 IEDs killed me 🤣🤣🤣
there’s a joke here that i won’t make
Not even before the intro we already laughing
For the upcoming Christmas. Do the 12 days of Arab Christmas song for RUclips
The 5 IEDs had me dying🤣
White twomad on the beach hits harder two years later
Oof, came here to see if anyone else mentioned it.
it would be so fun to see a game with all of you and swaggersouls 🤣🤣🤣
You should watch swaggers latest video lol
It's a cards video, which means it's gonna be outta pocket
I thought the first thing was gonna be miniladdd lol 00:01
The garfield one was "Like this image and you'll inhale oxygen"... thats it
Love it when dooo uploads :)
When they were counting down, I was expecting « 2 towers » 😭
"tell isis hi, please come to brazil" its a major reference
Pelamor de deus
"Turtle 20 million times" I liked the video, Dooo
Missed opportunity. At 2 for the 12 days of ISIS. It should’ve been planes. “2 big planes”
turtle 20 million times for that one 🦔❄
Missed opportunity for two towers when they did Christmas isis song 😂
This channel is like the 290 Thousand of us subscribers little secret
I knew the "Two" line in the 7 Days of Christmas would be AK's
For real right now or because of the Christmas song with isis and ak 47s
Definitely missed the opportunity for the 72 days of Arab Christmas
"What's the worst thing to find at a daycare?"
A Catholic priest.
Do you ever just go "Which channel am i gonna post this" ever?
Just from the intro this is gonna be fye 🔥
6:24 me when I fuck up the drawing of my circle
Underrated joke.
Turtle 20 million times
This is my daily Routine, I just watch the Doo doo do wacky shit
Ok Dooo, tell us the outro song or riot
I'm looking everywhere for this, too.
I'm sorry Lord Dooo. RUclips got to me, I can not finish thy task.
Turtles x20,000,000,000
That improv jingle was amazing dude holy shit 😂😂😂
i want a full song of 12 pages of issis
Yay a channel that posts more than 4 times a year
Someone had not had to do that
"whats the worst thing to find at daycare?"
You know what I just thought of? There's never been a pet hamster that has died of natural causes, like they either get Paul Walker'd into the wall or shot into the sun or some shit.
3:10 that’s literally the photo on the signs at my city near trails to tell ppl to pick up after their dogs
Bjärk is Estonian for "Suddenly"
Plot twist, donkey Kong had only shit the bed ONCE after eatin that bean dip
The worst thing to see on RUclips is a new Mini Ladd video
Literally crying of laughter
2:15 I'm proud that they did say "Two towers"
Does anybody else have to take a break from Dooos videos because their checks hurt
Turtle 20 million times for that one.
7:14 why did that sound like a SpongeBob character tho
The recipe creates the best bean dip.
These videos are just demonetization speedruns
I was wearing the oxygen until 10pm because I don't need too
6:53 it creates a "baconator"
When I’m sad or bored I’m watching the goons and there channel
On the 7th day of christams Allah gave to me. 5 IEDs 4 little turbans, 3 R.P.G's 2 AK Mags and 1 warhog
I'm surprised Dooo didn't say "2 twin towers"
The Garfield one says "Like this post to Inhale Oxygen"
0:48 is it said that I knew what this picture is and what it says, it says inhale oxygen
2:35 turtle i got you thedooo
No one to point out the two tacos taped to the wall at 7:54 ?
7:54 Forget Shaq, what is that on the wall? Are those 2 tacos just taped to the wall?
Mario isn't getting sucked, he's getting uh....filled
That 7th page of isis needs a dull song and guitar cover from dooo
those were indeed cursed
The worst thing to find at a daycare is Jimmy Saville
1:51 Favorite part
0:26 the kirby is like a diglet
I really like that outro sound.
This channel should've definitely been named TheDoooDooo.
That way it's 'Dooo' x2. Ya know?
Gotta love the spicy meatball
2:18 missed opportunity to say 2 towers 😭
Potato makes me feel good
Didn't know Terroriser was in this session
I you want the time stamp for the 7th page thing it is at 1:53
This is the most i've laughed in months
ive waited long for this video
Turtles 20 million times for that one
turtle 20 million times for that one
So we getting a drop on the goons Christmas parody song or what?
Google learns your search patterns and presents more and more "typical you" results. What on earth does your google do after all these f*cked up games?? hahaha
Dooo Nutz!
Best predict youtube ever made